Coupon Codes
Coupon codes, discounts, PROMO codes – Use Purplepass’s comprehensive event management software to create personalized lists of codes attached to multiple events. There is no limit on how many codes you can create.

Coupon codes, discounts, PROMO codes – Use Purplepass’s comprehensive event management software to create personalized lists of codes attached to multiple events. There is no limit on how many codes you can create.
If you have other people promoting your event such as bands or artists, you can issue tracking-only codes.
The codes will not provide any discount, but can track sales that came from them. This is a great way to manage a commission program for your affiliates and promoters.
Promoters can create different code types to apply a custom discount; combo deals (buy one, get one), percentage (10% off), or offer a flat rate.
These codes can have an expiration date or a min/max amount of times they can apply it for full control over the amount of discounts each customer receives.
Have the system auto-generate the coupon codes for you with control over how the codes look.
Choose how many characters, any pre-defined characters (e.g. “Save” in “SaveXXXXXX”) and if the codes should include lower case, upper case, and/or numbers.
Find the solution that’s right for you so you can boost ticket sales, grow your business, and start selling event tickets in minutes.
FIND OUT MOREFor example, a guest might be given 3 voucher codes valid for 3 free tickets. Rather than doing 3 separate orders, they can apply all 3 voucher codes at the same time and check out once.
Define how many tickets the discount/coupon code will be valid for.
Promoters can create a list of codes that can be reused over and over as well as be attached to multiple events. Codes can also be assigned to multiple events, but are only usable one time.
Pre-program the exact date and time the codes will become valid and when it will expire.
Allow a code to be automatically applied when the criteria is met (buy 1 get 1, 5% off, etc.).