Horace Andy, born Horace Hinds in Kingston, Jamaica on 19th of February
1951, started his long musical journey in 1967 at the age of sixteen
when he made his first recording for Ken Lack’s Caltone set up. Produced
by Phil Pratt, ‘Black Man’s Country’ was a rare combination of a
Rocksteady record with a Rasta theme. ‘Reality’ lyrics did not begin to
enter the musical mainstream until the following decade and throughout
his lengthy career Horace Andy’s name would be inextricably linked with
songs of black determination and social commentary, yet his copious
catalogue also contains some of the most extraordinarily heartfelt and
heart-aching lovers laments ever recorded. Peace and love… The fragile,
vulnerable qualities of his voice could invariably be relied upon to add
dignity and sincerity to lovelorn songs that, if performed by a lesser
talent, would sound really quite ordinary.